Social Event at Florim Gallery
Tuesday, 19th 2023

The social event of the ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI will take place on Tuesday, 19th in the in the Florim Gallery in Fiorano Modenese. We will also host a keynote talk from Cristian Canton Ferrer, Head of Responsible AI at Meta.
- 18:15 Check-in at Florim
- 18.30 Welcome from Florim SpA
Institutional Presentation of Florim
Dr. Claudio Lucchese, President of Florim SpA - 18:30 Keynote Talk
“Responsible AI in the age of GenAI: the case of Llama2“
Cristian Canton Ferrer, Head of Responsible AI, Meta - 19.00 Round Table
“Artificial Intelligence a big opportunity in Industry”
moderated by prof. Rita Cucchiara, AIRI University of Modena and Reggio Emilia- Stefano Bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna
- Michela Milano, Director of the Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna
- Industrial discussion with:
- Tetra Pak SpA: Paolo Scarabelli, Automation and Digital Innovation Director and Sara Egidi, Automation and Digital Innovation
- Florim SpA: Luca Sghedoni, Head of Data Intelligence
- E4 Computer Engineering: Fabrizio Magugliani, Strategic advisor
- Leonardo SpA: Alessandro Massa, Head of Corporate Research Labs
- Stefano Spaggiari, Executive Chairman
- Digital Design: Andrea Mariani, Head of R&D
- 19.45 Visit af Florim Gallery and Buffet
- 22:00 Closing

👉 You can download the flyer of the event here.
The ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI for Research and Industry is organized by AImageLab and AIRI of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The event is financially supported by Florim Ceramiche SpA.