ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI for Research and Industry
Modena, 18-22 September 2023
The 2023 ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI is an annual event for ELLIS PhD students, post-docs and fellows to meet in person and share knowledge about Machine Learning, Intelligent Systems and all topics covered by the ELLIS Programs. The theme of the lectures and keynotes of this edition will be “Large-Scale AI for Research and Industry”. The school will focus on advanced scientific research and on the exploitation of European GPU-based HPC facilities. As our research has strong implications and applications in industry, we will also discuss with representatives of industrial research labs.
Students of the School will have the opportunity to:
- attend high-profile lectures and tutorials from top-level scientists
- attend lab lectures from both academia and industry
- discuss their work through poster and tooling sessions
- develop projects on the parallel GPU facilities of the Leonardo Supercomputer hosted by CINECA
- have fun! 😃
The school takes place in Modena and is organised by the Modena ELLIS Unit, comprising researchers from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), the University of Florence, and CINECA - the Italian Supercomputing Centre.
Keynote Speakers
Monday, 18th

Bernt Schiele
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Interpretability for Deep Learning in Computer Vision

Tuesday, 19th

Laura Leal-Taixé
NVIDIA and TU Munich
From hand-crafted to end-to-end learning and back: a journey for MOT
Cristian Canton Ferrer
Head of Responsible AI, Meta
Responsible AI in the age of GenAI: the case of Llama2
During the Social Event at Florim Gallery
Wedsneday, 20th

Cees Snoek
Qualcomm QUVA Lab and University of Amsterdam
Learning to Generalize in Video Space and Time

Thursday, 21st
Pietro Perona
California Institute of Technology, Amazon
Responsible AI: Measuring accuracy and bias in Computer Vision Systems

Mario Fritz
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Trustworthy AI - A Cybersecurity Perspective

Victor Sanh
Hugging Face
Training an open-access 80 billion parameters vision and language model, lessons learned
Friday, 22nd

Tutorial Speakers

Social Event and Gala Dinner

A social event with a Gala Dinner will take place on Tuesday at the Florim Gallery in Fiorano Modenese, after a visit to the Ferrari Museum in Maranello. See more. Other social gatherings will be organised in Modena and its surrounding, as well as interactive moments for networking.
Large-Scale student projects
The School will represent a unique opportunity for students to develop and train large-scale Deep Learning projects. In particular, students will be given access to the Booster partition of the Leonardo Supercomputer which contains 3456 computing nodes each equipped with four NVIDIA Ampere GPUs with 64GB, with a 89,4 TFLOPs peak per node. For the School, CINECA has reserved 500 Ampere GPUs for three days. See more.
The School is organized by the Modena ELLIS Unit, the AImageLab research laboratory and by the Interdipartimental Center on Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation (AIRI), in cooperation with CINECA and NVIDIA. The School is endorsed by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”, the CINI Lab. on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, the ELSA, ELISE and FAIR projects. Administrative support and secretariat is provided by Fondazione Marco Biagi.
The School is financially supported by Florim Ceramiche, E4 Computer Engineering, Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions, Nexion and ATON Green Storage.