Seminar "3D Computer Vision for animals", Silvia Zuffi

On Thursday, December 15th, at 2:15 p.m., Silvia Zuffi (IMATI-CNR)  will give a talk on "3D Computer Vision for animals". The event is organized as part of a cycle of seminars "GENDER UNBALANCED AI" and will be held at the Sala Eventi Tecnopolo (Building 52) of the Engineering Department "Enzo Ferrari".


Animals are an important resource for our society, but unfortunately they are often threatened and over exploited by humans. Computer vision can greatly contribute to animal conservation and wellbeing by providing non-invasive tools for capturing animai behaviour. Animals communicate mostly with body posture and sound, their health conditions are often related to shape changes. In this talk I will present my work on taking a 3D perspective when looking at animals, specifically through generative models of animal shape for 3D pose and shape reconstruction from monocular data.

More information can be found at this link.

You can also attend the seminar online via Microsoft Teams through this link.