ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI - Social event hosted by Florim Ceramiche SpA

We are very grateful to Florim Ceramiche SpA for sponsoring the ELLIS Summer School on Large-Scale AI and hosting its social event on Tuesday, 19th September in the in the Florim Gallery in Fiorano Modenese!
During the event, Cristian Canton Ferrer, Head of Responsible AI, Meta will give a keynote talk on “Responsible AI in the age of GenAI: the case of Llama2” and Prof. Rita Cucchiara, Director of the AIRI Centre, UniMORE will moderate a Round Table on “Artificial Intelligence a big opportunity in Industry”, with the participation of:
- Stefano Bonaccini, President of Regione Emilia-Romagna
- Michela Milano, Director of the Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, University of Bologna
- Industrial discussion with:
- Tetra Pak SpA: Paolo Scarabelli, Automation and Digital Innovation Director and Sara Egidi, Automation and Digital Innovation
- Florim SpA: Luca Sghedoni, Head of Data Intelligence
- E4 Computer Engineering: Marco Cicala, CTO
- expert.ai: Stefano Spaggiari, Executive Chairman
- Digital Design: Andrea Mariani, Head of R&D
All the information about the event can be found here !